the honest thoughts of a normal girl, trying to live her life in a way pleasing a perfect God.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sometimes, I Feel Like Punching Some People In the Face

Wow. How immature can some people be? Like, really.

There are a couple of "trouble makers" on the first floor of my dorm. When I say trouble makers, they really aren't bad boys. The just have big egos, and like to be big teases. That was first semester. They still aren't THAT bad, but they have become obstinate, and don't listen anymore. There are three CA's in Smith Hall, and out of the three, they only kind of listen to one of us.

Now, these guys are on the soccer team. They are also from Brazil. Which means they can not only speak English, they also speak Portuguese(sometimes I wonder how much they talk about me).

Combining the above stated facts, they play soccer in the hallway and speak Portuguese. Quite loudly. I live on the third floor, and sometimes, even with my door closed, I can hear them and the soccer ball.

There are clearly stated rules in the handbook that say, "NO SPORTS IN THE HALLS. PERIOD." Something like that. The consequence for breaking the rules is being "written up", which is basically a CA writing an incident report about what happened.

Last semester I wasn't a CA and the sports in the hallway wasn't an issue because they were in season, so they played soccer at practice almost every day. There was no need for soccer in the hallway. Since it is their off season now, they feel the need to play inside.

Now, normally this is not an issue as long as they are respectful and stop when we ask. Recently, they have been extremely rude and mean to us whenever we ask them to stop. So, I told myself, if it happens again, Ill write them up.

The issue with this situation is this(and it really shouldn't be an issue if the other CAs weren't making it one) :

There are about 8 other guys that live in that hall that sometimes throw around a pretend football or respectfully kick a soccer ball back and forth. If we wrote the Brazilians up, we would have to start writing everyone else up even if they weren't really doing anything wrong.

At this moment, I have no problem writing them up, which I probably will end up doing. BUT, my constituents have serious issues with causing issues for the rest of the boys. They are great people, but both really want to be liked by everyone. One also happens to be one of my closest friends that I hang out with every day. So I feel like "I'm in a tight spot" haha.

 The way I look at it, oh well. If they are choosing to be disrespectful to the only authority they have to deal with, them fine. So be it. They will get written up by Becca T.

The simple solution: They stop. If they don't, everyone will be written up for two guys stupidity.

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