the honest thoughts of a normal girl, trying to live her life in a way pleasing a perfect God.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some things just have to be said...

I have a lot of random thoughts rolling around my head, and there are too many for Facebook statuses.

1. I surely do hate you PMS.
2. There are too many stupid people in this world.
3. America doesn't make the smartest decisions sometimes.
    a) History class make me so mad sometimes.
    b) Example: Apparently, America kicked a democraticly elected leader out of control in Iran in the '50s, cause they thought it was turning into a communist country, and then gave money, support, and military training to the people who now compose the Taliban.
4. Sometimes, I just don't feel appreciated.
    a) Found out today that someone in my building didn't even know my name or that I was the third floor CA. Depressing.
5. It doesn't feel nice at all to be a back-up friend.
    a) Definition: Someone only needed when the friend of choice is not available at the moment.
6. These next 16 days are going to feel like FOREVER.
7. I need chocolate.
8. That's pretty much it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Its a Thursday night...

Its Thursday night and I'm sitting at home being a good little child doing homework while most other people are out having fun.

This is what I do for the most part(sit at home)... Cause everything everyone else is doing is not exactly in line with my opinions on life.

But, its hard to be a law abiding citizen sometimes when you're the minority, and everyone else is having so much more fun than you.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Another List!

I just love lists; I can barely function without them cause my brains gets too bogged down trying to remember everything. So here's another one. :)

Life Long Goals:
  1. Open a bank account in Switzerland. I really want to amass enough money to have a reason to open an account there. :)
  2. Of course get married and have little children(mostly little boys).
  3. Have my own ranch.
  4. Have huge family reunions. This will be made possible by Boo: thank you Boo for wanting so many children, 4 will be just fine for me. ;) haha
Oh, and a side note, I straightened my hair tonight, because I am going to conquer this humidity if it takes every breath in me.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I thought I really wanted to grow my hair out.
The I thought about how cute and easy it was when it was short(er).
But then I think about how long its taken me for my hair to get this long.
Now, I just don't know anymore.
Me with long hair...

Me with shorter hair...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bugs = Itchy Becca

For those of you who know me, I pretty much despise bugs. Especially the flying ones. They really gross me out and I'm 99.7% sure that they all get together and conspire to follow me around and fly in my face. Even when I walk around campus with other people, the only person ever bothered by bugs flying into their face is me.

Its like my amazing mother and balls. They tend to find her head. ;)

So conclusion:

I hate them.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Update Again:

  1. Play the violin.
  2. Take a gun safety class.
  3. Learn to be awesome at shooting a bow and arrow.
  4. Join a volley ball team.
  5. Oh ya, get a job. ( That's a good one) ;) haha
  6. Acquire a boyfriend.
  7. Get acupuncture and get awesomely adjusted by a chiropractor. (So excited!)
  8. Take dance lessons.
  9. Be faithful to P90X.
  10. Start a bumper sticker business. First bumper sticker will be:
"If the internet had a face, I would punch it."

Monday, April 4, 2011


  1. Play the violin.
  2. Take a gun safety class.
  3. Learn to be awesome at shooting a bow and arrow.
  4. Join a volley ball team.
  5. Oh ya, get a job. ( That's a good one) ;) haha
  6. Acquire a boyfriend.
  7. Get acupuncture and get awesomely adjusted by a chiropractor. (So excited!)
  8. Take dance lessons.
  9. Be faithful to P90X.

Updated Summer List:

  1. Play the violin.
  2. Take a gun safety class.
  3. Learn to be awesome at shooting a bow and arrow.
  4. Join a volley ball team.
  5. Oh ya, get a job. ( That's a good one) ;) haha
  6. Acquire a boyfriend.
  7. Get acupuncture and get awesomely adjusted by a chiropractor. (So excited!)
  8. Take dance lessons.

Thoughts on Baseball

1) I figured out why people eat sunflower seeds at baseball games:
    ~ They are probably bored out of their minds.

2) Why the pitcher stands on a mound:
   ~ He thinks he is more awesome than everyone else. Also, its easier to throw down than straight.

   ~ Baseball games are just way too long. Really, they are.
