the honest thoughts of a normal girl, trying to live her life in a way pleasing a perfect God.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

OCD. Ish.

Let me start by saying, I was never like this when I lived on carpet. Having dirty feet is never an issue when you live on carpet because, guess what! the carpet cleans your feet as you walk around. Now that I live on gross tile all the time, I am quite sure Ive developed: OCDish. Its where youre only really worried some of the time. Please look at the below pictures(which dont do they floor justice. at all.), and you may be able to tell why I hate living upon tile.
 This is the rug I have had since the beginning of the year. Its great, but not big enough for me. It gets dirty really quickly because I always stand on it with my shoes on to avoid the floor. Then it dirty. So I dont stand on it until it starts bothering me enough to clean it off.
This is a picture of a disgusting clump of fuzzies that have accumulated under my desk. I will be vacuuming those up asap. If I had my own vacuum, they would already be goners.

These are one of my new favorite pairs of shoes. 1. They are fuzzy. 2. They are warm.When I bought them I thought I was preparing for winter because I bought them when it was cold. But its not cold anymore, and I still wear them because they are fantastic.

What have we concluded from this? Two things... I really hate dirty floors now(which will probably affect me for the rest of my life), and two, I will probably walk around bare foot all winter break just to feel the carpet under my feet.

Friday, October 1, 2010

what I saw on late night television.

Approximately a half hour ago, I was cleaning my room and paused whilst folding a article of clothing. The TV was on, and I happened to glance over as a commercial was on cause it had a catchy little tune. As the commercial progressed, I realized what I was watching. It was an ad for a website for married people to find each other and orchestrate affairs. I stood there for a second in shock and confusion. I could not believe I had just seen that. Has this world really come to that? How disappointing.