the honest thoughts of a normal girl, trying to live her life in a way pleasing a perfect God.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

OCD. Ish.

Let me start by saying, I was never like this when I lived on carpet. Having dirty feet is never an issue when you live on carpet because, guess what! the carpet cleans your feet as you walk around. Now that I live on gross tile all the time, I am quite sure Ive developed: OCDish. Its where youre only really worried some of the time. Please look at the below pictures(which dont do they floor justice. at all.), and you may be able to tell why I hate living upon tile.
 This is the rug I have had since the beginning of the year. Its great, but not big enough for me. It gets dirty really quickly because I always stand on it with my shoes on to avoid the floor. Then it dirty. So I dont stand on it until it starts bothering me enough to clean it off.
This is a picture of a disgusting clump of fuzzies that have accumulated under my desk. I will be vacuuming those up asap. If I had my own vacuum, they would already be goners.

These are one of my new favorite pairs of shoes. 1. They are fuzzy. 2. They are warm.When I bought them I thought I was preparing for winter because I bought them when it was cold. But its not cold anymore, and I still wear them because they are fantastic.

What have we concluded from this? Two things... I really hate dirty floors now(which will probably affect me for the rest of my life), and two, I will probably walk around bare foot all winter break just to feel the carpet under my feet.

Friday, October 1, 2010

what I saw on late night television.

Approximately a half hour ago, I was cleaning my room and paused whilst folding a article of clothing. The TV was on, and I happened to glance over as a commercial was on cause it had a catchy little tune. As the commercial progressed, I realized what I was watching. It was an ad for a website for married people to find each other and orchestrate affairs. I stood there for a second in shock and confusion. I could not believe I had just seen that. Has this world really come to that? How disappointing.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Hair :)

Hair coloring is made out to be much harder than it seems. I have really wanted to dye my hair for a long time, but was super nervous to because I didn't want to do something I hated. Then one of my amazing friends in Colorado did her hair. Seeing her hair still in her head and that her color turned out good gave me the courage to do my own! Then I was scared and my roommate Beth volunteered to do it while I sat on the toilet. So here it is! ( Pictures courtesy of the awesome Hannah )

We weren't sure if this spot would come off or not( it did).
The finished product!

Adventures in Columbia!

So Columbia is the place to go if you want to do anything fun or entertaining besides bowling, so that is where we seem to make some frequent trips to. Good thing its only 20 mins away. First stop: Colombia Mall; Payless Shoe Source.
Of course we all had to try some fabulous shoes on. :)

I wanted these shoes so bad. BUT, I was able to refrain myself. :)
If you will notice, there aren't any other people in the mall with us. This is because we were literally the last people to exit this wonderful place. And Beth and Hannah( the awesome) decided it would be great fun to push the stroller around. It was great to watch. :)
There was also a hot tub in the mall on display. So they also hopped in and I got a picture of them in it, but unfortunately there is a strange rule about no pictures in the mall. Interesting, I know. And me being the law following citizen I am, I did actually delete it. :)
After this, we went to a movie and then home!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Past Recent Events... Mostly My Birthday.

A couple of awesome friends that went bowling with me on my birthday.
It was glow bowling! So. Cool.
A random really groos bug that was on the wall in my dorm. Yuck.
My most amazing care package!
The amazing contents of my amazing care package! 
Some food to make me fat. ;)
The girls' earrings!
We've been having some crazy storms since yesterday, and the clouds were really cool today. here are some campus pics...
My dorm.
I thought I was going to die the night before last night, because I woke up and it was crazy storming outside, and it was clear when I went to sleep. I was sure there was going to be a tornado. Turns out, there wasnt. Also, when I woke up, the wind was doing wierd things with the air in the hall, so it was shaking my door like there was someone out there that was trying to open it. I was so scared. Thus, I thought I was going to die. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Swearing in Class?

So, as many people know, I took classes part time at LP for a year. Never in my time there, did I encounter a teacher using profane language in the class room. You could tell they thought about it sometimes when people were being really stupid, but for the most part it was kept at a very G-rated level, with nothing more than stupid or dumb. Here, it would seem the teachers are ok with using swear words while they are lecturing. I would say on the bad words spectrum these would be at the "least bad" end, but they are still swear words altogether. I asked one of my friends about this today, and she said she encountered the same thing in her classes. Now I am pondering the reason why... Because they feel we are adults and can now handle it? Because its the way everyone here talks and expresses their feelings? They want to seem young and hip and fit in with their students? I personally think the teachers should be better than that, and that they should set the example for those who do have dirty mouths that need to be cleaned. Instead of doing that though, they are pretty much reinforcing the bad habit many people already have. What do you think?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Massive Snakes, Finished Room, and Filthy Floors

So, today was a pretty relaxed day on campus, the returning students moved in, and the Greek students moved out of the independent halls. Whilst some of this was happening, the school gives free movies tickets to students who have the time to go see a movie today. So a few friends and I went and saw Eat, Pray, Love. It was a little disappointing. After this, we decided to stop at a pet shop that we saw on our way to the theatre. This is only one of the fascinatingly scary creatures were saw while we were in there.

This snake was absolutely huge. HUGE. Like, really, HUGE. Its middle was bigger than my thigh. It was terrifying to think of it ever being anywhere besides in its little cage.
Another one of the many snakes in this place. Right before we left a lady came in with two adorable little black lab puppies, and I almost took one home with me. I wish I had gotten a picture. :(
These(below) were my find of the day. I was looking for some packs of utensils that I could wash and reuse. This was all I could find. Notice there is no knife... they were definitely in the schoolchild lunch box section haha. :)
My finished room! Still pretty messy to me, but I need more storage space. :)

Greek Life

So, for the past four days Greek recruitment has been going on, and I have participated. I was very excited about it until the third day, when I actually sat down and asked myself why I was so excited, and why this was suddenly so important to me. Once I did sit down and evaluate what was going on in my head, I realized I wasn't sure what it was that was so appealing, or why it was all of a sudden something I felt I must do. Greek life on this campus is so much different than anything else Ive ever seen or heard of about living in a sorority, that I felt it would be ok, and kept justifying my decision to join a sorority in my head, though I still didn't have my reasons down on paper. One of the major differences here is that William Woods actually owns the houses that the sororities and fraternities are in, so they are able to set some ground rules to keep things from getting crazy. After a ton of prayer, and talking to my parents, some friends from here who have an outsiders perspective on it, and friends from home, I was able to come to a decision which I actually had some peace about. This decision was to stay in the dorms for a semester at least, so that I can get the experience of dorm life. I also wanted to do this because the recruitment process was so dang short. Normally, they are much longer so that students can get a better feel of which houses they like the best. I felt like I was being given a sales pitch every time i I talked to someone from one of the houses. So, I will spend some time with the people in the houses see if I feel like I'm missing out on something great, and if so, maybe go through winter rush again.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Wierdest Shower Ever

So, this is pretty much the weirdest shower ever. First, it had a dead bug in it, which really grossed me out right away. Second, if it was cleaned before we got here, it was just rinsed down, thus I wore flip flops in it today. Third, the shower head feel like you took it off a pressure washer. It hurt so bad, and I if I stay in this room, I am definitely buying myself a nicer shower head.. :)

The rest of the bathroom.
And the view from my current room. :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Here at Last!

So here I am, at last at the long awaited William Woods University. I am settled in my room although not unpacked, in case I decide to move. Here's a twist to the story... I am seriously considering going Greek! I originally was set against it, but when I did the House Hop today, I saw a very different side of sororities that I had never seen before. It is not at all what it seems to be like, and it may be a good fit for me. I guess we will see! My first day was awesome and I had so much fun. :) More pics later.. I was so busy with all of the activities of the day I forgot to take any!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

In Preparation for Leaving...

Hello all of my amazing friends! I decided yesterday that it would be an amazing way to keep in touch with everyone if I started to blog again! So here I am! So much has been happening in the last couple of weeks, here is a brief recap...

My good friend Liz and I took a fantastic road trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was so much fun!

I loved all of the different cultures down there... very different than this little town I live in.

My mom, sister and I went to Guatemala for 10 days! it was an amazing experience and I hope I get to go back again someday. I made tons of new friends and really felt like it changed my life.

Last but definitely not least, my family and friends threw me an amazing surprise birthday party. I will be at college on my actual birthday, so this was a great way to say goodbye to everyone and feel like I was able to celebrate too. :)

And this... is the stuff(plus my clothes) that has to fit in the car with me and my family. I have been eliminating and repacking and combining and organizing but nothing is seeming to help me take less than I already am. Though, I did go down from two boxes of shoes to one. :) I guess we will find out tomorrow if it fits!